Sir Winston the Pomeranian Beats Black Skin Disease


Folks, sometimes a story is so compelling that we feel obliged to share it.  Please read about little Sir Winston's journey back to good health, pink skin and full coat with the help of DERMagic products.  Yes, Alopecia X can be reversed... and here's one very heart-warming tale, reproduced here exactly as Sir Winston's pet parents wrote it to us today!   A real feel-good moment for us around the office today!

Dear Dr. Adelia,

The attached pictures are of our Sir Winston, age 5.

The first picture is when he was at his worst with Black Skin Disease (September 2011.)  Winston had started losing hair around 2 years previously; during that time, he slept more and more during the day. His appetite began to wane; his social skills also waned. Although he still liked to go for walks, he just wasn't as active as a pomeranian normally is. We tried melatonin, as suggested by his vet, and medicine for his thyroid. Neither of those made any difference, and the disease continued  to take its relentless toll on his hair and skin. During the harsh, bitter cold winter of 2011, we put sweaters and coats on him to protect him from the cold because he virtually had no hair on his back, stomach,and tail. We had all but given up on anything that would help him.

On September 17, 2011, we received our first bottle of DERMagic Skin Rescue Lotion. We began the regimen immediately...with only a small bit of hope that it would really work. (You guaranteed the results so we thought we had nothing to lose and everything to gain.) We saw the black skin gradually wash away with each bath we gave him.

On October 29, 2011, I recorded in my journal that John and I began to see some of Sir Winston's hair returning. We were cautiously hopeful, and noted that he loved his application times and seemed more lively, energetic, and that his appetite had improved. 

Oh, what a miracle!!! The second picture is of Sir Winston at about 2 1/2 to 3 months after beginning the regimen. Healthy, pink skin is visible on his chest, and his hair has begun to come in all over his little body. We saw the results of the DERMagic and
our diligence in applying it, bathing him with your shampoo and conditioner, and our never giving up on it. We began to believe.  But the best was yet to come!!!

And finally !!  Below ..  After 6 months ..

The third picture (above) is of Sir Winston today (March 18, 2011)--six months after our first application of DERMagic. WOW!!! Our family who saw him at Christmas saw him again this weekend. They are absolutely amazed. Some people who saw him around the time of the first picture say, "That isn't the same dog."  John and I are truly amazed too. It is, to us, a true miracle. Sir Winston is so much healthier, so much more sociable, so much more alert. (Even his hearing has improved. ) Thank you, thank you, Dr. Adelia, for bringing DERMagic to us. You are a blessing to us. 

Sincerely thankful, 
Mary and John Houska

PS  We only have one regret...and that is that we lost one of our other poms who had Black Skin Disease. She died before we knew about DERMagic. We don't know for sure, of course, but perhaps we could have helped her to have a healthier life if we had  just known.