One of the most common medical complaints in dogs and cats is the familiar "Hot Spot" -- also called "acute moist dermatitis."
There are many causes of hot spots, including allergies and parasites, but the common factor is infection, whether bacterial, fungal, or yeast (another type of fungus). A hot spot can appear anywhere on the body: hind leg, feet, rump area, neck, etc.
The bottom line for your pet is that there is an infection and intense itching, regardless of how it got that way.
Every pet has a balance of yeast on their skin, hair and inside their body, DERMagic supports healthy skin pH. DERMagic is 100% natural and safe.
Rashes and Skin Infections (Infectious Dermatitis)
Bacterial, fungal and yeast organisms are notoriously obnoxious skin and coat pathogens. They can cause skin infections for your dog, itching, rashes, dog dandruff, and other problems in otherwise healthy dogs.