bkp of Security & Privacy



The privacy of your information is important, to you and to us. It is the policy of this website:

- To never sell, rent, exchange or loan subscriber or customer lists to third parties for e-mail, postal mail or any other type of marketing. The information you share with us, stays with us.

- To disclose customer information to other companies only as needed to process your order. These businesses include credit card processors (to approve charges) and shippers (to provide tracking numbers and delivery services.)

- To respect the purpose for which information is provided. For example, if you provide a phone number so we may contact you with an order question, that's all we'll call about. You never have to worry about being pestered with telemarketing calls.

- To send our newsletters to those who request them and to customers who have purchased from us; individuals interested in DERMagic specials, new product announcements and other information specific to your pet's care. Every e-newsletter has an easy to find unsubscribe link at the bottom; if you choose to unsubscribe, your name will be removed from our list promptly.




Care is taken to ensure that your information is safe. This is done by:

- Using encrypted SSL (secure socket layers) technology to protect credit card information from being read while in transit. The little lock symbol and the https prefix in the shopping cart browser window indicates that the security system is in place.

- Storing customer information in a secure manner. Customer files are stored in areas not accessible to web browsers, are secured behind password protection or reside off-line. We provide the same protection for you that we expect from websites we frequent.